Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hawaii's Killer Waterfall article and swimming alone

Never swim alone or turn your back on the sea. The rip currents are sneaky and can come around you anytime nearthe reefs. I suggest using fins also.
I just read on Fox news about some dangerous incidents near Lihue.
Read the article here at Fox news http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2011/07/19/hawaiis-killer-waterfall/
Its interesting how a Doctor thinks it shold be closed down but a localswimmer thinks it should be open to all.
What do you think?
On my last trip I saw a man nearly drown near the point at Tunnels Beach. He was sucked out to sea by rip current just be hind some hidden rocks in the water. He asked for help and I screamed until someone came with a surfboard to rescue him it took awhile The life gurads wer about 1/2 mile away and if that guy on the surfboiard did not come I'm sure he would have drowned. Seeing this and reading this article about people drowning just makes life more precious. Be careful when you go swimming on any beach or swimming hole. Mahalo, Aloha

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